Transfer Request URL Params

Fields of a Solana Pay transfer request URL.


recipient: Publickey

A single recipient field is required as the pathname. The value must be the base58-encoded public key of a native SOL account. Associated token accounts must not be used.

amount: float | None

A single amount field is allowed as an optional query parameter. The value must be a non-negative integer or decimal number of "user" units. For SOL, that's SOL and not lamports.

reference: List[Publickey] | Publickey | None

Multiple reference fields are allowed as optional query parameters. The values must be base58-encoded 32 byte arrays. These may or may not be public keys, on or off the curve, and may or may not correspond with accounts on Solana.

label: str | None

A single label field is allowed as an optional query parameter. The value must be a URL-encoded UTF-8 string that describes the source of the transfer request.

message: str | None

A single message field is allowed as an optional query parameter. The value must be a URL-encoded UTF-8 string that describes the nature of the transfer request.